Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Response to Gaza Strip Reporting on BBC

BBC's Gaza complaints split down middle - This article has come from BROADCAST ONLINE
Published: 07 January 2009 13:13
Author: Katherine Rushton
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Last Updated: 07 January 2009 13:46
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The BBC has received more than 1,000 complaints about its coverage of the Gaza conflict – but they are evenly split between accusations of bias towards either the Israelis or the Palestinians.
The complaints and comment have been flooding in since the conflict reignited over the Christmas period, with most alleging that BBC News coverage favours one side over the other.
A source told Broadcast: "It's unprecedented. There are two very powerful lobby groups here and we've had over 1,000 complaints and comments which is huge – but so long as they are pretty evenly spread it is not a bad thing."
A BBC spokesman added: "Clearly this is a conflict that some people hold passionate views about which they are willing to express in strong terms; however, we are satisfied that the BBC's coverage of the ongoing events in Gaza and Israel is balanced, fair, accurate and impartial.
"In our reports, we have tried to explain how the current situation started and has since developed. It is our duty is to provide independent reporting and analysis of all perspectives of a story, so our audiences can make sense of what's going on."
Author: Katherine Rushton.